Ford India is all set to add to the excitement around the auspicious occasion of Akshay Tritiya. The automobile brand will be offering special benefits on Ford Figo for customers across Maharashtra, Goa, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Gujarat and Rajasthan.
This special offer will be active during the festive period and will enable customers to avail benefits up to INR 66,000 on Ford Figo, which is one of the most compelling offerings in its segment. The special offer on Ford Figo will comprise of ongoing discounts, free accessories, and attractive exchange bonus along with a 5 year extended warranty. The company will offer an additional 20 percent discount on select accessories during the period.
The Ford Figo, being one of the most awarded cars in India is widely recognized and appreciated for its outstanding value proposition offering various advantages such as superior performance, fuel efficiency and smart, first-in-class features such as Bluetooth and best-in-class AC and boot space.
All Ford dealerships across Maharashtra, Goa, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Gujarat and Rajasthan will offer these benefits to customers, valid during the festive season.
Ford dealerships will also offer enhanced after-sales experience with ‘Happy Pockets’, an industry benchmark ensuring low cost of ownership with fixed service offerings starting at just Rs. 2,199, to ensure peace of mind of customers buying the Ford Figo. Ford customers also get access to initiatives like pan-India Roadside Assistance, 90 minute-Quick Service Bays, Mobile Service Vans, Vehicle report card and Quick Lane.
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