Tata Motors today launched its premium hatchback Bolt starting at Rs. 4.45 lakhs for petrol and Rs. 5.50 lakhs for the diesel variant (prices ex-showroom New Delhi). The Bolt will be available in 4 trims namely XE, XM, XMS & XT and with 5 colour options. Complete list of prices is given at the end of this article.
Tata has offered the Bolt with 1.2L Revotron multi-drive petrol engine which produces max power of 90PS@5,000rpm and a flat torque of 140Nm@1,500-4,000rpm. The diesel Bolt comes with the old, tried, tested and reliable 1.3L Multi-jet (Quadrajet) engine sourced from Fiat which produces max power of 75PS@4,000rpm and max torque of 190Nm@1,750-3,000rpm.
This is the biggest launch from the Tata Motors passenger vehicle stable in terms of expectations. Tata Motors hopes to revive its compact car sales with the Bolt and achieve a considerable market share in a highly competitive segment. The Bolt competes with the likes of Maruti Swift, Hyundai i20 elite, Volkswagen Polo, Nissan Micra, Renault Pulse, Fiat Punto Evo and few more. What makes Bolt stand out from all these competitors is the first-in-class multi drive engine which gives 3 modes (city, eco, sports) to choose from while driving in different condition.
But will that be enough for the Indian consumer to go for the Bolt? Give us your thoughts on this!
Tata Motors Bolt complete price list :
Ex-showroom Delhi
Variant | Petrol (in Rs.) | Diesel (in Rs.) |
XE | 4.45 lakhs | 5.50 lakhs |
XM | 5.16 lakhs | 6.12 lakhs |
XMS | 5.40 lakhs | 6.35 lakhs |
XT | 6.06 lakhs | 6.99 lakhs |
Ex-showroom Mumbai
Variant | Petrol (in Rs.) | Diesel (in Rs.) |
XE | 4.65 lakhs | 5.75 lakhs |
XM | 5.40 lakhs | 6.40 lakhs |
XMS | 5.64 lakhs | 6.63 lakhs |
XT | 6.35 lakhs | 7.33 lakhs |
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