The young promising cricketer and skipper of Royal Challengers Bangalore, Virat Kholi has just added another Audi to his garage. The young sportsman now owns a brand new Audi R8 LMX - a model that was recently launched in the country. Limited to only 99 units, the LMX is powered by a hulking V10 engine and is capable of a top speed of 320 km/h.
In January this year, Audi had launched the limited edition R8 LMX, its most powerful and fastest road-car in India. While receiving his new ride, Virat Kohli said, “I am delighted with my new limited edition super sports car Audi R8 LMX. I am especially proud and excited to be one of only 99 owners of this special car. I have always loved automobiles and have been an admirer of Audi. I already own an Audi R8 and Audi Q7. I am looking forward to some exciting drives with this new machine.”
The Audi R8 LMX is powered by a 5.2-litre V10 that produces 570 HP of power. The car is priced in India at Rs 2.97 crore.
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