The cricketing legend Sachin Tendulkar launched the BMW i8 plug-in hybrid supercar today in India. At the grand launch ceremony in NSCI, Mumbai, BMW officially started accepting bookings for the Rs 2.29 crore (ex-showroom) one-of-a-kind supercar.
The i8 will be available at special BMW i dealerships in Mumbai, New Delhi and Chennai from today onwards. The i8 will be brought to India as a CBU (Completely Built-Up) unit in India.
The i8 embodies an electric drive which powers the front axle delivering a max power of 131 bhp. The rear axle is driven by BMW TwinPower Turbo 1.5-litre 3-cyclinder petrol engine which produces max power of 232 bhp. The electric and petrol unit together combined delivers a max power of 362 bhp helping the i8 achieve 0 to 100 kmph in just 4.4 seconds.
Purely running on the lithium-ion battery, the i8 has a top speed of 120 kmph and a maximum range of 35 kms. Combined with the petrol engine the i8 achieves an electronically limited top speed of 250 kmph and a maximum range of 600 kms on a fully charged battery and full petrol tank.
Owing to its hybrid characteristics the BMW i8 delivers a mind-boggling average of 47.45 kmpl.
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