Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd announced that Chetan Maini, the founder of Reva Electric Car Company & present CEO, Mahindra Reva will hand over the baton to Arvind Mathew, former Ford India Managing Director. Chetan Maini will have a new and diversified role within the Mahindra Group. Arvind will fill into Chetan’s shoes from 1st May 2015. Chetan will be responsible for incubating new technology ventures and will lead other initiatives of the Mahindra Group.
Reva Electric Car Company, known as Mahindra Reva after Mahindra acquired it in May 2010, is one of the first automobile companies to introduce fully electric cars in India.
Speaking on the appointment, Dr. Pawan Goenka, Executive Director, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., said, “Chetan Maini has been synonymous with electric vehicle technology and his vision and expertise has been instrumental in pioneering innovations in this space. Chetan is globally recognised for this achievement and I wish to place on record our sincere appreciation for his immense contribution to electric vehicles evolution. While welcoming Arvind to the Mahindra family, I am sure he will take Mahindra Reva to newer heights with his diverse international exposure, technical background and proven ability to drive innovation and growth”.
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